E tuwhera ana ngā whakaurunga
Kia ora
E tuwhera ana ngā whakaurunga mō te tau ako 2025. Mō ngā pātai e pā ana ki te whakaurunga, me whakapā mai mā [email protected] me waea mai rānei ki a mātau mā 0800 KOHANGA (0800 562 642)
Kei raro iho nei ētahi kōrero anō mō ā mātou hōtaka ako.
Enrolments now open
Kia ora
Enrolments for the 2025 academic year are now open. For enrolment related enquiries you can contact [email protected] or call us on 0800 KOHANGA (0800 562 642).
You can read more about our programmes of study below.
You can read more about our programmes of study below.
Ngā pātai auau
Frequently asked questions
Ka rerekē ngā whakaritenga whakaurunga mō ia akoranga, kei te āhua o te pae o te akoranga e whāia ana e koe. He pai ake kia tirotiro i te hōtaka kia kite koe mēnā ka kapi i a koe ngā whakaritenga e uru ai koe ki te hōtaka.
The entry requirement for each programme differs depending on the level of the course you wish to study. It is best to check each programme to see if you meet the requirements to be enrolled onto the programme.
Āe, ka taea te tono karahipi mā:
Ngā karahipi mā ngā ākonga Māori (careers.govt.nz)
Te karahipi a Te Kōhanga Reo: [email protected]
E whakaaetia ana te Ākonga Pūtea Tārewa me te Tahua Tauira i ā mātau hōtaka katoa. Ka taea e koe te tono pūtea tautoko mā www.studylink.govt.nz
Yes, you can apply for scholarships through:
Scholarships for Māori learners: www.careers.govt.nz
Te Kōhanga Reo Scholarship: [email protected]
All our programmes are Student Loan and Allowances approved. You can apply for financial assistance through www.studylink.govt.nz.
Āe – Ka tukuna e mātau te Recognition of Prior Learning me te Credit Transfer mēnā e tika ana. Tēnā, whakapā mai mā [email protected], mekōrero mai rānei ki a mātau kia mōhio ai mēnā e māraurau ana koe ki te tono.
Yes – we offer Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer where applicable. Please contact [email protected] to talk to us about whether you may be eligible to apply.
He ukiuki katoa ā mātau hōtaka. Ka tukuna e mātau he momo whiringa tuku hei whakatutuki i ngā hiahia o ō mātau ākonga. Ka tukuna e tō kaiwhakangungu tō mahere ako ki a koe ka tīmata ana tō akoranga.
Our programmes are all full time. We do offer a mix of delivery options to cater to the needs of our ākonga. Your trainer will provide you with your study plan once your course starts.
Āe – Ko tō whānau Kōhanga Reo tētahi wāhanga nui o tō haerenga ako, ā, he wā anō ka mahi koe ki roto i ngā Kōhanga Reo ki te taha o ngā mokopuna me ngā whānau.
Yes - Your Kōhanga Reo whānau are an important part of your learning journey and there are parts of your programme where you will be working in Kōhanga Reo alongside the mokopuna and whānau.
Ka tukuna e mātau te tautoko ākonga ki te taha mātauranga, ki te taha manaaki anō hoki. Whakapā mai ki a mātau mā [email protected].
We offer ākonga support to help you with academic and or pastoral care. Contact us on [email protected].
Āe – E whā wiki kei a koe ki te kōrero mai ki a mātau e hē ana tō akoranga. Me tuhi mai ki a mātau, ā, ka tukuna mai ki [email protected].
Yes – you have 4 weeks to let us know you are on the wrong course. You will need to inform us in writing and send to [email protected]
Āe – Ka whakauru ana koe, ka whakapā atu tō Kaiwhakaako, tō Pouako rānei ki a koe me ngā kōrero mō tō wāhanga whakauru.
Yes – once you enrol, your Kaiwhakaako or Pouako will contact you with details of your induction session.
Kāore mātau e tuku whakaurunga ki ngā ākonga ā-ao.
We do not offer enrolments to international ākonga.
Me tae atu koe ki te waru tekau paihēneti o ō karaehe kia tutuki pai ai te kaupapa.
You must attend 80% of your classes to successfully complete the programme.
Ka whakaakona a Te Tohu Mātauranga Whakapakari Tino Rangatiratanga (Te Tohu Paetahi) ki te reo Māori. Ko ētahi atu akoranga he reo rua, ā, ka piki haere te taumata reo i a koe e ahu whakamua ana i roto i ā mātau akoranga.
Te Tohu Mātauranga Whakapakari Tino Rangatiratanga (Tohu Paetahi) is delivered in te reo Māori. All other courses are bilingual with te reo level increasing as you progress through our programmes.
Ka hoatu tō Kaiwhakaako, tō Pouaka rānei i ngā rauemi akoranga ki a koe. Mō ngā akoranga e tukuna ana i runga i a Te Papa Ako, kua tukuna te urunga ki Te Papa Ako kia whakamanahia tō whakaurunga.
Your course materials will be provided to you by your Kaiwhakaako or Pouako. For courses delivered on Te Papa Ako (online), access to Papa Ako will be sent once your enrolment is confirmed.