Mō mātau
About us
Here you’ll find key information to support you to manage your Kōhanga Reo.
Whānau are required to have processes and procedures to meet the licensing criteria.
The Trust supports whānau by providing:
Operational support and guidance
Learning and support materials for key systems
Training for key systems
The Trust will extend the range of resources over time.
Quick links

Communications and waivers
Here are some key resources to assist with sharing information with the Communications team and collecting the right waivers.
Contact [email protected] to share news and information about what’s happening at your Kohanga Reo or in your rohe.
If you are sharing images or videos, you also need to provide the relevant waiver forms.
It’s important that we collect the waiver to ensure we have permission to use an image or video of kaimahi, whānau or mokopuna. Also, for any artwork or photos.
Image waiver form – kaimahi
Image waiver form – kaimahi
Complete this form to waive rights to photos you have submitted for use by the Trust. -
Image waiver form – Kohanga Reo
Image waiver form – Kohanga Reo
Complete this form to waive rights to photos of Te Kōhanga Reo you have submitted for use by the Trust. -
Image waiver form – mokopuna
Image waiver form – mokopuna
Complete this form to waive rights to mokopuna photos you have submitted for use by the Trust. -
Photographic / mokopuna artwork waiver form
Photographic / mokopuna artwork waiver form
Complete this form to waive rights to mokopuna photos/artwork you have submitted for use by the Trust. -
Photographic submission form

Funding and enrolment
Here are some key resources to assist with managing funding.
Find useful information and resources to manage enrolments.
It’s important to capture daily attendance for mokopuna and this should be updated in Edge daily ideally, or at least once a week. This helps to ensure the information is captured and our reporting is completed on time. From October 2024 this will be even more important as Edge will be integrated with the Ministry of Education’s Early Learning Information (ELI) system.
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Whakauru Whānau Hou | Induction for New Whānau
How to upload mokopuna ID into Edge
How to upload mokopuna ID into Edge
Review this video to learn about uploading an identity document into Edge. -
Mokopuna enrolment form
Mokopuna enrolment form
1.26MB pdfUse this form to manage mokopuna enrolment and ensure that all required information is collected.
Here is a selection of resources to guide you in making amendments.
Please log in to see more resources.
If you have any queries regarding audit processes, please contact your Tari ā-Rohe in the first instance.
If you have any queries regarding closures or temporary relocations, please contact your Tari ā-Rohe in the first instance.
Whānau Learning is promoted to:
Improve understanding of Te Korowai
Improve understanding of Te Whāriki
Improve understanding of Te Ara Tūāpae
Improve understanding of the Te Kōhanga Reo Trust training programmes
Enable whānau and ākonga to identify issues pertinent to their specific needs
Provide the opportunity to up-skill kaimahi and whānau while meeting the needs of Te Kōhanga Reo
Nurture and grow the knowledge and skills within a whānau learning environment
Please log in to see more resources.

Human resources
Here are some key resources to assist with managing human resources.
Employment New Zealand:
Find useful information and resources to manage employment.
Request HR support from the Trust:
If you have a particular issue that you’d like support to manage, complete the form to request human resources support from the Trust.
Please log in to see more resources.
Vacancies and job listings:
View current vacancies or create a job listing for a vacancy at your Kōhanga Reo.
Child safety checks and police vetting:
Find useful information about this process including frequently asked questions and the police vetting application.
If you have questions, contact us at [email protected] or call us on 0800 KOHANGA (0800 564 2642) and press option 1.
Note: Kaimahi and whānau can only access Trust systems once their Police vetting is completed and cleared.
GMA7A Safety Checking – Education in New Zealand
GMA7A Safety Checking – Education in New Zealand
Review specific requirements for child safety checking. -
Job description - Kaupapa Kaimahi a-rohe 2024
Job description - Kaupapa Kaimahi a-rohe 2024
234.37KB pdfJob description for kaupapa kaimahi a-rohe -
Job description - Property Analyst Job description - Jan 2024
Job description - Property Analyst Job description - Jan 2024
261.43KB pdfProperty analyst job description,. -
Police vetting application
Police vetting application
Police vetting clearance criteria
Police vetting clearance criteria
238.28KB pdfReview this document for an overview of the police vetting criteria.
Establish employment agreement and pay within pay parity:
Establish an employment agreement and pay banding for your kaimahi using the templates provided and pay parity guidance.
Establish employment agreement and pay:
If your Kōhanga Reo has not opted into pay parity, use the employment agreement templates provided.
For information and guides on use of Smartly, go to the Help section in the Smartly system.
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Pay Parity
Job description - Kaiako
Job description - Kaiako
762.97KB pdfJob description for the Kaiako role under pay parity. -
Job description - Kaiako Matua
Job description - Kaiako Matua
710.66KB pdfJob description for the Kaiako Matua role under pay parity. -
Job description - Kaiāwhina
Job description - Kaiāwhina
831.71KB pdfJob description for the Kaiāwhina role under pay parity. -
Job description - Kaiwhakarite
Job description - Kaiwhakarite
884.61KB pdfJob description for the Kaiwhakarite role under pay parity. -
Kaimahi calculator
Kaimahi calculator
471.37KB xlsxUse this FTE calculator to work out how many kaimahi qualify for your Kōhanga Reo, how to allocate the hours and how to fill in the employment agreement. -
Ngā Tohu Hua Pūmau
Ngā Tohu Hua Pūmau
677.38KB pdfUse this form to onboard a new kaimahi and have a starting assessment of their skills/knowledge. -
Pay parity - Casual employment agreement template
Pay parity - Casual employment agreement template
541.2KB docxUse this template to prepare a casual employment agreement. -
Pay Parity - Fixed term employment agreement template
Pay Parity - Fixed term employment agreement template
586.4KB docxUse this template to prepare a fixed term employment agreement. -
Pay Parity - Permanent employment agreement template
Pay Parity - Permanent employment agreement template
573.29KB docxUse this template to prepare a permanent employment agreement. -
Pay Parity - Variation letter template
Pay Parity - Variation letter template
48.96KB application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.templateUse this letter template to make additional provisions outside of the base employment agreement. -
Pay Parity band criteria
Process for new employment agreements
Process for new employment agreements
581.7KB pdfReview this simple step-by-step guide to use the FTE calculator and employment agreement templates. -
The calculations that sit behind pay parity
The calculations that sit behind pay parity
334.38KB pdfReview this document for a greater understanding of how pay parity is calculated.
General guidance:
Review the general guidance to set up your core health and safety manual and practices. While some of the documentation is dated it is a good starting point. Also review the WorkSafe website for a range of guidance and resources.
Investigate incident:
If something does happen that requires investigate, use these forms and guides to get started. While some of these are a bit dated they provide a good base.
Please log in to see more resources.
Minimum leave entitlements are set out in the Holidays Act.
Also check for any specific provisions on employment agreements, noting that you cannot set less that the minimum required under the law.
For specific criteria and guidance for handling scenarios for parental leave, family violence, bereavement and more, check out the Employment New Zealand website.
ACC claims:
If you are managing an injured kaimahi return to work, check out the ACC website for guidance about claims if a kaimahi is unable to work, and for support to rehabilitate and return to work.
Please log in to see more resources.
General onboarding:
Manage the onboarding of new kaimahi or whānau to your Kōhanga Reo.
System onboarding:
Manage the onboarding of kaimahi or whānau to Trust systems. Note that this is linked to the police vetting clearance and system access is automatically established once clearance is obtained.
Review the resources available and also see the Te Ara Hiko section of this process and procedures page.
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Whakauru Whānau Hou | Induction for New Whanau
How to activate your Okta account_guide
How to activate your Okta account_guide
626.88KB pdfUse this guide to support you as you login through Okta for the first time. -
Introduction to Aku Mahi
Introduction to Aku Mahi
The Aku Mahi page includes news, quick links to systems and tools, and more. -
Introduction to Okta
Introduction to Okta
Introduction to Okta. -
Overview of KoAu
Overview of KoAu
Overview of KoAu.
General role change:
Manage the transition of kaimahi or whānau to a different role in your Kōhanga Reo.
System role change:
Manage the change of role and permissions for Trust systems. This ensures kaimahi or whānau have access to the right systems for their mahi and helps you to manage risk.
Overview of KoAu
Overview of KoAu
Overview of KoAu.
Managing good performance:
It’s important to recognise and reward good performance, set goals and encourage growth.
Managing performance improvement:
Setting expectations and managing for performance improvement is a positive way to address issues.
Managing misconduct or serious misconduct:
Managing a fair investigation and disciplinary process is critical for any employer.
Managing bullying, harassment or discrimination:
As the employer you have an obligation to investigate and to support the person affected.
Please log in to see more resources.
Getting kaimahi onto Trust courses:
Professional development is a key for kaimahi to progress through the pay parity salary bands.
He Manu Pīrere:
Find out about scholarships available or validate attendance at a Kōhanga Reo to support an application.
Performance appraisals:
Find resources and templates to manage kaimahi performance appraisals.
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Te Whare Ako
He Manu Pīrere nō Kōhanga Reo
Please log in to see more resources.
General offboarding:
Manage the offboarding of new kaimahi or whānau from your Kōhanga Reo.
System onboarding:
Manage the offboarding of kaimahi or whānau from Trust systems.
Review the resources available and also see the Te Ara Hiko section of this process and procedures page.
Overview of KoAu
Overview of KoAu
Overview of KoAu.

Here are some key resources to assist with managing insurance.
We’re pleased to introduce a new process for insurance refunds, designed to make requesting refunds easier. To request a refund, please use the new form and include whānau hui minutes confirming the need for a refund. Be sure to gather all necessary information and supporting documents before submitting your request.
Notify the Trust in writing about any changes to insured assets (e.g., selling or leasing a waka) by emailing [email protected]. Refunds can be processed for up to 12 months prior, and we aim to complete requests within 4-6 weeks. You’ll be notified by Procurement once your request is processed, and if approved, payment will be issued with a reference “Ins. Refund.”
Keep your asset register updated and inform your accountant of any changes throughout the year.
Please log in to see more resources.
Request new insurance:
We have a new form that helps us get everything right the first time and ensures all necessary information is provided to our insurer.
Before you begin, we recommend reviewing the form and gathering all the relevant documentation in advance to make the process smoother.
Once you’re ready, complete the form with all the required details about your Kōhanga Reo’s insurance needs.
Any pātai, please contact [email protected].
Please log in to see more resources.
Please note the following insurance claims updates:
New standard excess amount of $500 across all policy types
The Claim Notification Form is no longer in use (please delete if you have a copy of this form)
30 day timeframe to submit claims
Check the updated Insurance claims manual for more information
Notify of an incident:
When something happens that will require an insurance claim, use the insurance claim notification form to provide a heads-up to the relevant teams and the insurance provider. This should be provided as soon as possible, and within two days of the incident ideally.
Make a contents or building claim:
Use the contents or building claim form to submit your claim. This should be done as soon as possible after the incident.
Make a waka claim:
Use the vehicle claim form to submit your claim. This should be done as soon as possible after the incident.
Please log in to see more resources.
Notify of asset updates:
Contact [email protected] and provide details of asset changes.

Loans and MOP
Here are some key resources to assist with loans from the Trust and applying for healthcare under the Mokopuna Oranga Pūmau (MOP) programme.
Te Pātaka Ohanga (TPO) has a loan facility for Kohanga Reo to apply for.
We have three loan categories you can apply for:
All loans are subject to approval from the Managing Director of TPO and must adhere to all anti-money laundering compliance requirements.
All loans MUST be recommended by your Kaitohu-a-Rohe, the respective Pou and the Tumu Whakarae. The terms and conditions MUST be followed to progress through the loan process.
Please login to the website to view the loan application documents.
Please log in to see more resources.
This loan is for Kōhanga Reo who experience short term financial difficulties. Discuss your application with the Tari ā-Rohe. Kaitohu ā-Rohe | District Managers will need to ensure that all information is collected.
See section above for loan application information.
This loan is for Kōhanga Reo to purchase or construct a property or to make improvements to the existing building(s) and property. Property loans are administered by the Trust who will make payment directly to the suppliers.
See section above for loan application information.
This loan is for Kōhanga Reo to purchase new vehicles directly from the car dealer. Payment will be made directly to the suppliers NOT the Kōhanga Reo. All vehicles will need to be insured under the Trust’s insurance scheme prior to leaving the dealer.
See Insurance section of this process and procedures page.
Request specialist prior approval:
See the Mokopuna Oranga Pūmau | Mokopuna Health Programme web page for the detailed procedure of how this is managed.
Whānau complete the pre-approval form with the General Practitioner (GP), and this is submitted to the Trust’s MOP team.
Approval is granted for an initial specialist visit, then once the cost of treatment is known another approval is required before the treatment begins.
Any queries should be directed to the team at [email protected].
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Mokopuna Oranga Pūmau | Mokopuna Health Programme
Mokopuna Ōranga Pūmau - Whānau information form
Mokopuna Ōranga Pūmau - Whānau information form
Use this form to request pre-approval of the costs for your mokopuna to see a specialist.

Operations, complaints, and quality assurance
Here are some key resources to assist with operations, management and quality assurance.
Annual planning is completed with a focus on us achieving the strategic objectives set out in Te Ara Tūāpae.
Our overall results are set out annually in our Statement of Service Performance (SSP) document.
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Te Ara Tūāpae | Strategic Plan
Statement of Service Performance [page coming soon]
Rauemi | Resources
Access the Kōhanga Reo attestation form.
Please log in to see more resources.
Making a complaint:
As whānau you will have your own processes for managing complaints received at your Kōhanga Reo.
The Te Tuku Naew | Complaints page has more information about managing complaints and how these can be escalated.
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Te Tuku Nawe | Complaints
Complaints form
Complaints form
Complete this form to lodge a complaint with the Tumu Whakarae of Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust.
Working with Education Review Office, supporting quality evaluation that contributes to high quality Kōhanga Reo and ongoing development of a methodology that reflects the philosophy of Kōhanga Reo.
Early Childhood Regulations 2008
ERO Kōhanga Reo reports
ERO Kōhanga Reo reports
Locate Education Review Office reports for individual Te Kōhanga Reo.
GST and end of year audits:
It’s important to understand financial matters and requirements for GST, End of Year Audits etc.
Xero is the preferred financial tool although some others are still used.
Te Tari Mātua has a dedicated support team for Xero users in Kōhanga Reo. Contact us at [email protected] if you want to organise some Xero training in your rohe, or some one-on-one support about a problem you are having.
2023 - Summary of Kōhanga Reo achievements
2023 - Summary of Kōhanga Reo achievements
194.28KB pdf2023 - Summary of Kōhanga Reo achievements -
2023 Statement of Service Performance
2023 Statement of Service Performance
4.2MB pdf2023 Statement of Service Performance report -
2023 TPO Statement of Service Performance
2023 TPO Statement of Service Performance
854.12KB pdf2023 TPO Statement of Service Performance report
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust’s Tūtohinga / Chartering and Licensing end-to-end process continues to support whānau establishment of Kōhanga Reo as a unique indigenous model, within which mokopuna are empowered to ‘catch’ the language in their earliest years, underpinned by the philosophy of Kōhanga Reo.
Early Childhood Regulations 2008
Licensing Criteria for Kōhanga Reo
Ngā Paearu Whai Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo e hono ana ki Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008
Ngā Paearu Whai Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo e hono ana ki Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008
Review Ngā Paearu Whai Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo e hono ana ki Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008 in English. -
Tūtohinga Checklist
Tūtohinga Checklist
736.5KB docAccess the Tūtohinga Checklist which supports establishing a new Kōhanga Reo.
Who can help?
If you receive an enquiry about setting up a Kōhanga Reo, please direct the person to your Tari ā-Rohe in the first instance. You can also point them to our website’s Te Whakatū Kōhanga Reo | Establishing a Kōhanga Reo page, and the licensing criteria.
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Te Whakatū Kōhanga Reo | Establishing a Kōhanga Reo
Licensing Criteria for Kōhanga Reo
Ngā Paearu Whai Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo e hono ana ki Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008
Ngā Paearu Whai Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo e hono ana ki Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008
Review Ngā Paearu Whai Raihana mō ngā Kōhanga Reo e hono ana ki Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust 2008 in English.
The Trust is continuing to collaborate with the Ministry of Education on the design and delivery of initiatives that aim to strengthen Mauri Tū – Indicators:
Mauri Ohohoho – Awareness
Mauri Tau – Understanding
Mauri Ora – Nurture
We're building on progress made and lessons learned during the implementation of the learning support awareness campaign, Tamaariki.
Tamaariki Documentary TKR
Tamaariki Documentary TKR
Review this video to hear Whaea Lorrain Hale Kaiako of Te Kōhanga Reo o Te Teko explains the Tāmaariki she has in her Kōhanga Reo. -
Tamaariki te kunenga mai o te orokohanga o te Kaupapa
Tamaariki te kunenga mai o te orokohanga o te Kaupapa
Review this video to learn more about the genesis of the Kaupapa for tamaariki.

Here are some key resources to assist with property queries and issues.
These documents provide information for whānau about whānau responsibilities for Kōhanga Reo property maintenance.
The Trust is progressively introducing Kaupapa agreements.
This agreement sets out the:
Operating expenses to be paid by whānau
Whānau property maintenance obligations
Whānau commitment to the property maintenance fund and project contributions
It includes the:
Lease agreement or Certificate of Title
Resource consent or outline plan of works
Code compliance certificate and compliance schedule
Confirmation and timing of whānau project contributions
Please log in to see more resources.
The Trust develops and implements annual property programmes. These cover renovations, extensions and, in some cases, rebuilds of Trust owned property.
For whānau to be considered, they should talk with their Kaitohu ā-Rohe | District Manager to discuss the proposed scope and reasons for the work. For extensions (license increases) this includes ensuring the waiting list in Edge is up to date.
Subject to the Kaitohu ā-Rohe | District Manager’s endorsement, Property will meet with whānau to discuss and agree the scope and, subject to project approval, work through the implications including project contributions, relocating during construction etc.
Please log in to see more resources.

Here are some key resources to assist with purchasing.
Information on ICT purchasing can be found in the Te Ara Hiko section of this process and procedures page.
See the Insurance section of this process and procedures page for more information.
Online store:
Our online store operates through our website. Manual payments are processed into the following bank account:
Account name: TPO
Bank/branch: ANZ – Wellington
Account number: 01 0505 0005181-00
Reference: Add your purchase reference number and your name.
Payments must be received within 14 days otherwise the order is cancelled automatically.
Terms and conditions and returns policy
See the Tikanga Ratonga | Terms of Service information on our website for more information which includes the returns policy in section 4.
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Tikanga Ratonga | Terms of Service
Contact [email protected] for more information about purchasing a property.
Also see the Property section of this process and procedures page.
Contact [email protected] if you wish to discuss the purchase or lease of a waka.
Also see the Waka section of this process and procedures page.

Te Ara Hiko
Here are some key resources to assist with managing Te Ara Hiko.
Access to Trust systems is linked to the police vetting clearance. System access is automatically established once clearance is obtained. By approving the employment of a kaimahi, or appointing a whānau tiamana/chairperson the whānau endorse that person having system access.
Roles | Mokopuna Management System – Edge | Learning Management System - Te Aho Poutama | Payroll System – Smartly | Kōhanga Reo Intranet | Office 365 | TKR Email |
Kaiako Matua Kaiako Kaiāwhina | Yes (to mark attendance) | Yes (full Kaiako permissions) | Yes (for timesheet and leave applications) | Yes | Yes | No |
Kaiwhakarite | Yes (full admin rights) | Yes (full admin rights) | Yes (full admin rights – no approval) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Tiamana | No | Yes (whānau access) | Yes (payroll approval) | Yes | Yes | No |
Role change:
Notify Te Ara Hiko of kaimahi or whānau that are changing roles to ensure they have access to the right systems for their mahi and to help you manage risk.
Suspended access:
Access to Trust systems is linked to the police vetting clearance. If the Police vetting for a kaimahi or whānau expires their system access is automatically blocked. Once the new application has been processed and clearance obtained, the system access is automatically unblocked.
Notify Te Ara Hiko of kaimahi or whānau that are leaving your Kōhanga Reo so their system access can be removed promptly, helping you to manage risk.
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Tono Mātaitanga ā-Pirihimana | Police Vetting Application
How to activate your Okta account_guide
How to activate your Okta account_guide
626.88KB pdfUse this guide to support you as you login through Okta for the first time. -
Introduction to Aku Mahi
Introduction to Aku Mahi
The Aku Mahi page includes news, quick links to systems and tools, and more. -
Introduction to Kōhanga Reo Website
Introduction to Kōhanga Reo Website
Overview of the new Kōhanga Reo website incorporating our new visual identity. The new website is a gateway for us to showcase what we do and to build connection with whānau, kaimahi, communities, stakeholders and everyone who wants to find out more about Kōhanga Reo. -
Introduction to Okta
Introduction to Okta
Introduction to Okta. -
Overview of KoAu
Overview of KoAu
Overview of KoAu.
Place ICT order:
Place a standard ICT order for equipment for your Kōhanga Reo.
Technology programme:
Find out more about the technology rollout and what’s on offer including devices, 2 degrees and Brother printer offers.
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Te Ara Hiko | Technology Programme
Please log in to see more resources.
Lost devices:
If you have lost your device, refer to the Insurance section for information and guidance. Place an ICT order for a replacement.
Accidental damage:
If you have damaged your device, you may be able to have it repaired under your insurance or may need to make a claim for a replacement.
See Insurance section of this process and procedures page.
Desktop computer setup guide
Desktop computer setup guide
How to unbox and setup your new desktop device. -
Laptop computer setup guide
Laptop computer setup guide
How to unbox and setup your new laptop device. -
Overview of email address options
Overview of email address options
Overview of email addresses with the implementation of KoAu. -
Tablet setup guide
Tablet setup guide
Unboxing and setting up a new tablet device. -
Technology Programme Update
Technology Programme Update
New technology rollout in Tāmaki Makaurau. -
Teams Background Setup Guide
Email Alias - Frequently Asked Questions
Email Alias - Frequently Asked Questions
179.3KB pdfReview these frequently asked questions to gain an understanding of what an email alias is, why we are offering these, how to request one, and more. -
Request renaming of Kohanga Reo email
Frequently asked questions about email alias
Frequently asked questions about email alias
Your frequently asked questions about email alias
Make notification:
Please notify Te Ara Hiko of any information security or privacy breaches so steps can be taken to manage the implications and to minimise further risk.
Please log in to see more resources.
Get help:
Contact Te Ara Hiko for any technical support issues.
Here’s the guidance to show you how the team prioritises issues and the timeframes for responses and resolution.
Priority | Description | Response time | Resolution time | Examples |
P1 - Critical | Service is down, severe degradation of service, or any issue affecting multiple users and / or critical system components. Business operations are severely impacted | 1 hour or less | 4-8 hours | Server outages, network downtime, security breaches. |
P2 - High | Service is usable, but in an impaired fashion. The issue has a moderate to high impact on business operations and affects multiple users. | 2-4 hours | 1-2 business days | Major functionality issues, significant performance degradation. |
P3 - Medium | The issue has a moderate impact on business but does not prevent core business operations. May affect individual users or small groups. | 1 business day | 3-5 business days | Usability issues, minor functionality problems. |
P4 - Low | The issue has minimal impact, affecting non-critical functionality or a single user. Business operations are not impacted. | 2-3 business days | Within 10 business days | Cosmetic issues, requests for information, minor bugs. |
Desktop computer setup guide
Desktop computer setup guide
How to unbox and setup your new desktop device. -
Laptop computer setup guide
Laptop computer setup guide
How to unbox and setup your new laptop device. -
Overview of email address options
Overview of email address options
Overview of email addresses with the implementation of KoAu. -
Tablet setup guide
Tablet setup guide
Unboxing and setting up a new tablet device. -
Technology Programme Update
Technology Programme Update
New technology rollout in Tāmaki Makaurau. -
Teams Background Setup Guide
Email Alias - Frequently Asked Questions
Email Alias - Frequently Asked Questions
179.3KB pdfReview these frequently asked questions to gain an understanding of what an email alias is, why we are offering these, how to request one, and more. -
Request renaming of Kohanga Reo email
Frequently asked questions about email alias
Frequently asked questions about email alias
Your frequently asked questions about email alias

Here are some key resources to assist with managing waka.
Request new, replacement or cancellation of a BP fuel card:
Complete the fuel card application form to apply for a new or replacement card or to cancel an existing fuel card.
Notify of lost/stolen card or to cancel card for other reason:
Contact [email protected]
Please log in to see more resources.
Kōhanga Reo owned waka:
Where you own your waka, be sure to stay on top of the warrant of fitness, registration, road user charges and vehicle maintenance.
Leased waka:
Where your waka is leased, there is usually scheduled servicing and maintenance.
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions.
Fleetcoach - Child restraints learning
Fleetcoach - Child restraints learning
Complete this free learning module to learn more about correctly fitting child restraints.
Complete this form to request a new designated driver for a Kōhanga Reo waka.
Contact [email protected] with any pātai.
Please log in to see more resources.
Complete the Request support for purchase or lease of waka form to request support from the Trust. Note that if you can't see any resources listed, please login to the Kōhanga Reo intranet first to view all available resources.
Contact [email protected] with any pātai.
Please log in to see more resources.
The driver is responsible for paying any speeding fines or other infringements notices for parking etc. The notice has instructions on how to pay.

Visual identity
Here are some key resources to assist with using our visual identity or making requests for a variation of the tohu or permission to use.
Complete the Request variation of tohu form to request a customised tohu to use for signage etc.
Request variation of tohu form
Complete the Request permission to use tohu form to request permission to use the tohu. Also see Terms of service for guidance about the use of the tohu.
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Tikanga Ratonga | Terms of Service
Request permission to use tohu form
Please contact [email protected] to report any infringements regarding the use of our tohu so a notice to stop using it can be issued promptly.
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Tikanga Ratonga | Terms of Service
Login to access the Visual Identity Kete which has a range of resources, templates and images available for you to use.
These include our tohu, content for our core themes of Te Kaupapa, Mokopuna me te Whānau and Te Whare Ako, and some of the Te Whāriki A Te Kōhanga Reo themes which are appropriate for mokopuna resources.
Kōhanga Reo web pages:
Tō Mātau Tohu Motuhake | Our Visual Identity
Introduction to Kōhanga Reo Visual Identity
Introduction to Kōhanga Reo Visual Identity
Development of both the visual designs and the website has been a real collaborative effort, with so many contributions from whānau, kaimahi, the working groups, and project team helping us achieve this exciting milestone. -
Introduction to Visual Identity Kete
Introduction to Visual Identity Kete
Introduction to Visual Identity Kete. TKR version. -
Set up email signature guide for your Te Kōhanga Reo
Set up email signature guide for your Te Kōhanga Reo
453.29KB pdfUse this guide to set up your Te Kōhanga Reo email signature.