Ngā kōrero mō ngā Kaiwhakarato
Information for suppliers
Ki konei ka kite koe i ngā kōrero matua mō ngā Kaiwhakarato ki Te Tari Matua o Te Kōhanga Reo.
Here you’ll find key information for suppliers to Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust.
Ko ā mātau mahi hoko katoa ka mahia i roto i te anga o tā mātau:
Kaupapa here hoko, e ahu mai ana i ngā tikanga a te Kāwanatanga mō te hoko
Kaupapa here mō ngā tukanga
All our buying activities are made within the framework of our:
Procurement policy, which is generally based on the Government principles for purchasing
Delegations policy
Ka whakamahi mātau i ā mātau kirimana tuku i ngā wāhi ka taea e mātau.
Ko ngā āheinga kirimana e teitei ake ana ngā uara ka pānuitia mō te tono.
We use our existing supply contracts where we can.
Contract opportunities with higher values will generally be advertised for tender.
Ā mātau tikanga utu
Ka whai wāhi ā mātau tikanga utu ki te kore he kirimana, kāore rānei ētahi atu tikanga utu i tohua. Ko te tikanga o ngā tikanga utu, ka utu hei te 20 o te marama i muri i te whiwhinga o tō nama. Hei tauira, ki te whiwhi nama mātau i te 25 o Hānuere, ka utua hei te 20 o Pēpuere.
Tā mātau tikanga utu
Ko tā mātau tikanga utu, he whakawhiti moni hiko. Ko te tikanga, ka tukuna tikatia atu te utu ki te pūtea pēke kua tohua. Ka ngana mātau ki te īmēra i tētahi tohutohu tuku utu e whakaū ana i te utu i te rā i utua ai te utu.
Te whakauru i ngā kaiwhakarato hou me te whakarerekē i tō pūtea pēke
Ki te whakauru i a koe hei kaiwhakarato hou, ki te whakarerekē rānei i tō pūtea pēke o nāianei, me manatoko mātau i ngā taipitopito pūtea pēke. Ka taea e koe tēnei mā te tuku mai ki a mātau:
He rau pūtea pēke (he kape karapa ka whakaaetia)
He kapomata e whakaatu ana i ngā taipitopito o tō pūtea pēke (tēnā koa, aukatihia ngā mahi kaute). Me tāpiri mai:
Te tohu o tō Pēke
Te nama o tō pūtea pēke
Te ingoa o tō pūtea pēke
Me whakarite te nama pūtea pēke me te ingoa kia rite ki tā ngā kōrero kei runga i te nama, nā te mea, koinei te mea ka tirohia e mātau.
Our payment terms
Our standard payment terms apply if there is no contract in place, or no other payment terms are specified. Standard payment terms mean payment is made by the 20th of the month after we have received your invoice. For example, if we receive an invoice on 25th January, it will be paid on 20th February.
Our payment method
Our payment method is electronic funds transfer (EFT). This means payments WILL be deposited directly into your designated bank account. We will endeavour to email a remittance advice confirming the EFT payment on the day the payment is made.
Onboarding of new suppliers and changing your bank account
To onboard you as a new supplier or to change your existing payment bank account we need to verify your bank account details. You can do this by sending us:
A bank deposit slip (a scanned copy is acceptable), or
A screenshot showing your bank account details (please block out any account activity). It needs to include:
Your bank’s logo, and
Your account number, and
Your account name
Make sure the bank account number and name match the details on the invoice as this is what we will be verifying.
Te pupuri i ō kōrero o te wā
Ki te panoni koe i:
Ō kōrero pūtea pēke
Tō wāhi noho
Tō īmēra
Te ingoa o tō kamupene
Ētahi atu kōrero kua tukuna mai e koe i mua
Tēnā koa, īmēra mai ki a mātau ki [email protected] kia pai ai tā mātau whakarerekē i ngā mea e tika ana.
Ngā urupare me ngā amuamu a te kaihoko
Mena he āwangawanga he urupare rānei āu, tēnā īmēra mai ki [email protected]
Keeping your details up to date
If you change:
Your bank account information
Your address
Your email address
Your company name
Any other information you've previously provided
Please email us at [email protected] so we can make the necessary changes.
Supplier feedback and complaints
If you have any concerns or feedback, please email [email protected]
Ko tā mātau whakatakotoranga nama tono hoki ko POOOOxxx. Me mātua tuhi tēnei ki tō nama.
Ngā kōrero āwhina kia kore e whakaroa tō utu
Tukuna mai he nama kua oti e tika ana, arā, tētahi e kapi ana i ngā whakaritenga o te Ture Tāke Taonga me ngā Ratonga, 1985
Mena he rēhita tāke hokohoko tō pakihi, whakaurua tō nama tāke hokohoko me ngā kupu “Tax Invoice”
Whakauruhia te ingoa o tō hoapaki nānā i tono ngā taonga me ngā ratonga, me te nama tono hoko
Me mārama te whakaatu mai o te nama tono hoko e hono ai ki te nama
Me mārama te whakaatu mai i te mea i tukuna atu, te nui me te utu
Whakatikahia ngā rerekētanga me ngā huringa i mua i te tuku mai i tō nama
Te tuku mai i ō nama ki a mātau
He pai ake ki a mātau te tuku PDF mai tō nama mā te hikohiko ki tā mātau rōpū Utu Kaute ki [email protected].
Ki te kore e taea e koe te tuku mai i tō nama mā te hikohiko, ka taea e koe te tuku atu ki:
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust
PO Box 38 741
Tukuna ngā pātai nama ki [email protected].
Our purchase order number format is PO000xxx. Please ensure this is stated on your invoice.
Tips to make sure your payment isn't delayed:
Submit a complete and accurate invoice, ie one that meets the requirements of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Act 1985
If your business is GST-registered, include your GST number and the words “Tax Invoice”
Include the name of your contact who requested the goods and services as well as the purchase order number
Clearly state the purchase order number the invoice relates to
Clearly state what was delivered, quantity and unit price
Correct any discrepancies or changes before sending your invoice
Sending us your invoices
We prefer to receive a PDF of your invoices electronically to our Accounts Payable team at [email protected].
If you are unable to send your invoice electronically, you can send it to:
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust
PO Box 38 741
Send any accounts payable queries to [email protected].