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He Rau Timotimo Kōrero No.45

E tipu e rea mō ngā rā o tōu ao
E ngā whānau o ngā Kōhanga Reo o Te Tairāwhiti, kei te aha?
He pānui whakamōhio tēnei ki a koutou mō ngā tūranga hou o roto i te tari ā rohe o Te Tairāwhiti.
Kōkā Mihi Tashkoff has accepted the role of “Project Lead Funding ā motu, and this means she has vacated her role as Kaitohu ā rohe for the rohe of Te Tairāwhiti. Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust recognise Mihi’s skills around funding and the significant impact that Pay Parity has with Kōhanga Reo and Kaupapa Funding.
Ricky Tuari has been appointed as acting Kaitohu ā rohe for Te Tairāwhiti. Ricky has Kōkā Mihi’s full support and know that the rohe will support both her and Ricky in their new roles.
Kōkā Mihi says that in the short time Ricky has been with the Te Tairāwhiti office he has shown great humility in his leadership. His generosity in spirit and his interaction with whānau is unmatched, and his willingness to offer assistance creates a sense of trust within the rohe. His in depth knowledge of the people and the culture of Te Tairāwhiti contributes to the mahi we do in the community, and his unwavering patience contributes to the connection we maintain with past generations, and the strong relationships we intend to uphold with the future generations. Ricky also brings with him great IT and graphic design skills that will continue to provide our rohe with a fresh and organic look, as we move forward into the future.

Ko Titirangi te Maunga
Ko Uawanui-a-Ruamatua te Awa
Ko Horouta te Waka
Ko Ngati Kahukuranui te Hapu
Ko Hinemaurea ki Mangatuna te Marae
Ko Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti, me Ngati Porou Whānui te Iwi
Ko Ricky Tuari toku Ingoa
Kei aku Rangatira, ka rewa te pōtae.
E tipu e rea mō ngā rā o tōu ao.